7 Best Cat Muzzles of 2023 (Groom Easily)

A cat muzzle is quite an important part of your pet kit for certain situations. It is often used for cats with behavioral issues. Though veterinarians use best cat muzzles the most, it can also be purchased by cat owners who need it to prevent getting bitten while grooming or for other issues as well.

There are different varieties of cat muzzles and it could be difficult for you to know which is the best cat muzzle and what features one should aspire for. We request you to read further to know which are the best cat muzzles and the reasons why we consider them to be the best.


The 7 Best Cat Muzzles of 2023

Best Cat Muzzle

Editors’ Pick:

  • Economical & effective in calming
  • Available in three different sizes
  • Durable & its not harmful for face


Having the correct cat muzzle will make the grooming experience much less distressing for your kitty. You will certainly want the best cat muzzle that will accomplish the task and still be comfortable for your cat. I have therefore prepared a list of the best face muzzles for cats to narrow down your search.

1. Downtown Pet Supply Cat Muzzle

Downtown Pet Supply Cat Muzzle


This muzzle by Downtown Pet Supply works perfectly and will restrain your pet from biting when you are completing procedures on him which he may not find very pleasing.

The muzzle is made from strong nylon fabric that is difficult for the cat to tear away and the Velcro strap holds the muzzle firmly in place without causing any injury to the cat.

You can easily put this on your cat but your cat will not find it easy to get rid of.

The muzzle is available in three sizes – small, medium and large. The small one is for cats below 6 lbs, the medium one is for cats between 6 lbs and 12 lbs and the large one is for cats more than 12 lbs, so ensure while ordering that you are buying the right size.

  • Low price for a decent quality muzzle
  • Available in different sizes so cat owners can choose the right fit
  • Adjustable Velcro strap is easy and gentle on the cat
  • Nylon fabric difficult to tear with claws
  • Easy to be put on by the owner, difficult to remove for the cat
  • Opening at front is too small and allows only breathing space
  • The muzzle will not prevent the cat from hissing and meowing

2. Soft Claws Spherical Air Muzzle For Cats

Soft Claws Spherical Air Muzzle For Cats


Very unlike popular belief, not all cats calm down when their vision is obstructed. If your cat is one of those, then you have probably had enough of the regular cat muzzles. Well, your kitty will no more have to bear the distress of having her vision obstructed by putting on muzzles with eye covers.

This muzzle offers complete protection from biting and yet does not cover your kitty’s eyes. You will see that your cat is much calmer since he/she is able to see what is going on.

Cats generally trust only very selective people. Though she may not like getting her nails trimmed, when she sees you doing it, the struggle will be a tad less. And even if she struggles, she will not be able to harm you in any way with this muzzle on.

This muzzle is right for both cats and dogs and the unique patented design allows the user to slide on the muzzle without much trouble. There might be occasions when your cat had surgical procedures on the face or in the teeth. This muzzle will not allow your cat to scratch the area and it can be left on for a long time. Other muzzles can only be used for short periods.

  • Unique design that allows easy installation
  • Your pet can see all around and breathe easy
  • Allows you to administer oral medicine
  • Prevents cat from biting or scratching the face
  • Material is durable and not require replacement anytime soon
  • The cost is exorbitant
  • Present fastening system is not foolproof as some clever kitten might find a way to remove it

3. Guardian Gear Nylon Cat Muzzles

Guardian Gear Nylon Cat Muzzles


The Guardian Gear cat muzzle is the most basic product in their series and available at a very low price. It is made from tough nylon fabric that is resistant to clawing by cats. The Velcro strap can easily fit on the cat and can be adjusted as required. Though it can be easily put on by the owner, the cat will find it difficult to remove.

Remember to get the right size of the muzzle depending on your cat’s weight. The small size should be good for cats up to 6 lbs, the medium size for cats between 6-12 lbs and the large size for cats more than 12 lbs.

  • Again a budget-friendly product
  • Muzzle is easy to hold in place with the help of a Velcro strap
  • Difficult for cat to remove
  • Multiple sizes available for cats of different sizes
  • The muzzle fabric is a durable option but not really tough to prevent your cat from biting through

4. ZOOPOLR Breathable Mesh Cat Muzzle

ZOOPOLR Breathable Mesh Cat Muzzle


If your kitty is a biter and a chewer, you need something tough but comfortable to prevent him but in a safe way. Zoopolr is a good-looking, breathable mesh muzzle that prevents cats of any size and breed from becoming aggressive.

It is made from tough nylon mesh fiber that makes it very comfortable for the wearer as it’s flexible and has a hole in the nose area for easily breathing in and out. In fact, the fabric of the muzzle is itself breathable making the cat more comfortable and making the task of the groomer a lot easier. This is not particularly tight but can be easily put on and taken off, because of the adjustable strap and the Velcro fasteners.

It is available in 2 sizes, small and large, and two colors – pink and blue.

  • Mesh fabric allows breathing with the muzzle on
  • This is resistant to clawing
  • Adjustable strap with Velcro fasteners
  • Available in two sizes and two colors
  • Users claim that their cats could easily rip it off
  • Few users also said that the fabric was soft and that they feared getting bitten through it

5. Xbes Nylon Cat Muzzle for Grooming

Xbes Nylon Cat Muzzle for Grooming


If you groom your cat regularly and if he bites when his nails are being clipped or while bathing, you can do well to check out the nylon cat muzzle from Xbes. This muzzle is flexible to be comfortable enough for the pet but sufficiently tough to ensure the safety of everybody involved.

This product is very easy to put on because of a Velcro strap, which allows you to adjust it to the size of the cat. The nylon fabric ensures that it is comfortable yet durable enough to last for years together. It is also water-resistant, making it convenient for grooming and washing. The mask also has one hole in the nose area to allow your cat to breathe freely.

  • Flexible enough to be comfortable for pet, tough to ensure safety for everybody involved
  • Velcro strap can be adjusted for the size of the cat
  • Durable enough to last for years
  • Hole in nose area allows your cat to breathe freely
  • Users feel that the mask is slippery and cats can pull it off with just one paw

6. BBEART Breathable Mesh Cat Muzzle with Adjustable Velcro

BBEART Breathable Mesh Cat Muzzle with Adjustable Velcro


This one offers effective protection against cat bites, disorderly meowing and eating indiscriminately.

It is made from soft polyester mesh fabric, which makes it both breathable and durable. The soft mesh fabric will never hurt the cat’s face and allow the cat to breathe freely.

This cat mask suits a head circumference of 22-25cm/8.6-9.8 inches, Neck–18-26cm/7-10.2 inches, and fits cats 3-7kg.

This mask should be used only with direct supervision and should not be left on for long periods.

  • Effectively protects against biting, disorderly meowing and indiscriminate eating
  • Soft polyester mesh fabric ensures breathability and durability both
  • A user has reported that their cat was able to take off the mask very easily

7. ASPEN Quick Muzzle for Cats

ASPEN Quick Muzzle for Cats Red Medium


The Aspen Quick Muzzle for Cats helps calm and safely control irritated cats. It provides a convenient, temporary restraint for cats of all sizes.

Made from reinforced durable, washable nylon packcloth, this one is sturdy enough to last you for years.

The hook-and-loop neck tab provides quick closure for fast restraint. Working from behind the cat’s head hold the side tabs and position the opening over the nose. Pull the tabs under the cat’s ears and at the back of the head, adjusting the tabs for secure fastening.

  • It is a durable piece of muzzle because it is made from nylon that is resistant to clawing
  • This muzzle is also washable
  • One user has reported that the mask is slippery and that even when Velocroed tight his cat was able to turn it around on his face

Buyer’s Guide on Cat Muzzles

Sometimes simply reading up on different products may not be sufficient to decide which one to buy. Backing up reviews with a buyer’s guide that discusses parameters to evaluate products, benefits of the muzzles and how to use can also be helpful towards decision making. Lastly, answering FAQs can help to remove any niggling doubts and worries that continue to dog shoppers.

What to Consider While Buying a Cat Muzzle?

When looking for a reliable, durable and comfortable muzzle for your cat, pay attention to the details. For instance, when looking for a cat muzzle for meowing you need different features from somebody looking to slow down the pace of eating. To select the right cat muzzle, pay attention to the following:

The Type of Muzzle

A muzzle for grooming and for eating must have different characteristics. It is crucial for this reason that you decide what is it that you want to achieve out of using it. Practically speaking, a cat muzzle to prevent the cat from meowing or biting during grooming sessions has to be different from one that is used to slow down the cat’s pace of eating. Fortunately enough, most products are budget-friendly.

Size of Muzzle

It is very important that the cat muzzle is of the right size. Normally, a small-sized cat muzzle will work for most cats but medium and large-sized ones may become necessary depending on the cat’s head size, breed, and weight (overweight cats may need large-sized muzzles). Apart from size, adjustability is an important aspect too. Though you have ended up choosing a slightly smaller or larger piece, adjustable velcro straps will enable you to turn it into the right fit. Therefore, opt for adjustable products only.


Modern cat muzzles are made out of nylon not only because nylon is tough and difficult to get out of but also because it is comfortable for the cat. Additionally, nylon is easy to wash and some nylon muzzles can be tossed into the washing machine. Muzzles made from breathable meshes are good too. However, for those cat parents whose principal concern is fast eating, for them nylon and mesh muzzles are no use – they will need muzzles made from rubber.

Price & Brand

We have already mentioned that most cat muzzles are very affordable. Though this may be true, quite often one may come across something very expensive. Be careful about falling in their trap – these masks are simple devices made from basic materials and shouldn’t cost too much.

Choose a muzzle that suits you and your kitty’s needs and something that is durable. It’s always advisable to choose reputable brands because they have plenty of experience and offer great customer support whenever required. One must avoid home-made muzzles under any circumstances.

Why should I use a cat muzzle?

Cats usually are pretty chilled out creatures and do not try to harm anybody unless there is some provocation. There are situations though in a pet cat’s life that it can find extremely distressing. The cat can try to wriggle out of the situation by meowing indiscriminately or even biting what it believes to be the cause of the distress.

The situations that the kitty usually finds uncomfortable are when it is being groomed, or when it is being taken to a vet for medical examination. In order to calm down an over-aggressive cat, grooming muzzles are used.

Covering the cat’s eyes may act as a calming influence. Cat muzzles are simple devices used to cover the cat’s eyes and the mouth. Obstructing the vision of the cat will help to calm it down and obstructing the mouth will prevent it from biting.

Lastly, cat muzzles are also used to prevent cats from eating indiscriminately. Some overweight cats have digestion issues because they eat fast and muzzles can greatly help to slow down their pace of eating. These muzzles help overcome digestion issues by preventing gulping of food. They also provide stimulation so that the cat becomes more energized and playful.

Benefits of Using Cat Muzzles

Usually, meek and submissive cats can become very aggressive in certain situations like when they are being groomed or they are visiting the vet. They may resort to biting the handler or meowing aggressively under such situations. Also, few cats who eat too fast start suffering from digestive issues. It is important that the eating speed of such cats is reduced. Cat muzzles can be useful in such situations.

No More Biting

Whether your cat is averse to her routine visit to the vet or loathes getting her nails clipped or being along-side other cats, biting cannot be tolerated. Calming an aggressive cat can be difficult without a cat muzzle. A right muzzle can prevent cats from biting or chewing and is a must for aggressive cats who cannot be calmed by other means.

No More Excessive Meowing

Some cats get excited for no reason and meow excessively, which becomes difficult if you live in a small apartment. If all other means have failed, it is useful to try a muzzle to calm your pet feline. But remember no matter how much the neighbors complain it is not advisable to keep the muzzle on for the entire night. Use it only for shorter periods.

Weight management

If your kitty is overweight and has digestion issues due to fast eating, a cat muzzle tailored for slowing down the eating process can help a great deal. It can prevent your kitty from gulping down chunks of food.

How to use a cat muzzle safely?

No matter how much we try to justify it, muzzles are not something that the cat is going to find enjoyable. However, she can be trained to tolerate the muzzle for shorter periods. We have discussed step by step how to train the kitty to tolerate the mask.

  • Introduce the muzzle gradually: No matter how simple it could be, it is a new experience for the cat and it is always advisable for us to use the muzzle for very short periods to start with and always reward your kitty with a treat afterward. Once the cat gets used to the muzzle, gradually start increasing the time.
  • Use the correct size: We have already discussed how crucial it is to use the correct size of the muzzle. If the muzzle you use is too big, the cat may manage to break free. In case, the muzzle is small and too tight, the cat will be scared of wearing it in the future.
  • Use only in short bursts: Regardless of how good a cat’s muzzle is, anything that is going to cover the cat’s face and prevent her from meowing for longer periods cannot be deemed comfortable. Use the muzzle for shorter periods of time, or till your furbaby becomes normal.

FAQs on Cat Muzzles

Can I use a cat muzzle for kittens?

If your kitten turns aggressive while visiting the vet, it’s worthwhile to use a muzzle to prevent biting. If the size is right, you have been able to find something sufficiently small for a kitten, it’s perfectly right to use it whenever situations demand it. The kitten should be at least older than 10 weeks.

Is it safe to use a cat muzzle while grooming my cat?

There are a few relaxed cats that don’t mind when you trim their nails or comb their fur. At the far end of the spectrum are cats that absolutely hate being groomed and can get quite aggressive. Cat muzzles are just the right solution for such cats when you want to trim the kitty’s nails or when you take them to a professional groomer. A muzzle could also be used if your kitty is overgrooming itself to the point that it is causing medical problems.

How much does a cat muzzle cost?

We have already discussed that cat muzzles are pretty affordable pet accessories. While this is true, there are super-expensive options available on the market. But don’t select anything much expensive because muzzles are pretty ordinary devices made from basic stuff that shouldn’t cost too much. Buy a muzzle that suits you and fulfills your cat’s needs. Just ensure that the material is tough and durable so that the muzzle will serve you for years together.

Usually, cat muzzles will cost about $10 per piece. However, there are premium products as well that can cost higher. The premium pricing is because they are patented products and usually only clamp down the mouth without covering the eyes. The cat can see what is going on but cannot react because the mouth is closed using the muzzle.

Can I use a dog muzzle for cats?

Never use a dog muzzle for cats. Dogs have a long, thin snout while cats have a flat snout, so a dog muzzle is not good for cats. Have a separate cat muzzle. It should cover the mouth of the cat and the eyes. When the cat is no longer able to see anything, it will become relaxed quickly and not take too much stress.

How to put a muzzle safely on a cat?

Cat muzzles are used to calm an aggressive cat by limiting its vision so that it cannot find its target. These are slipped on over the nose and face with a strap, usually with a Velcro closure but sometimes even with a plastic snap, that is fitted comfortably behind the ears. Muzzles are only meant to be used for short periods to complete procedures such as nail trimming and quick grooming, which usually require less than 10 minutes.


Cat muzzles are important accessories for situations such as grooming and vet visits. There are many instances when a perfectly docile cat becomes hostile and may resort to biting when its nails are being trimmed or it is being bathed. Cat muzzles address this problem and other issues such as excessive meowing or the issue of indiscriminate eating.

We hope that our readers have found this article enlightening enough to make them feel confident about choosing a muzzle for their pet kitty.

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