The Best Bird Feeders of 2023 (Reviews)

Watching the birds peck onto the bird feeder will be the best task for many. However, there is only one thing people worry about i.e. squirrels stealing the birds’ food.

Do you know, there is an easy way to keep squirrels away and let the small birds eat?

There are best bird feeders which push the unwanted guests/invaders who always steal the seeds meant for small birds.


The 11 Best Bird Feeders of 2023

Here we have listed two of the best products from the list of best bird feeders. These feeders are very useful and also squirrel proof that will fit any spot you want.

Squirrel Buster Standard Wild Bird Feeder

Editors’ Pick:

  • Best Squirrel Proof Feeder
  • Has Seed Ventilation System
  • It’s Chew Proof


Editor's Picks
Squirrel Buster Standard Wild Bird Feeder With 4 Metal PerchesAll-in-one
Droll Yankees Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder, Yankee Flipper, Tube FeederPremium Bird Feeder
GrayBunny GB-6856 Premium SteelBest Budget

**Rated by experts at Petlovesbest at the time of publication. It has nothing to do with Amazon ratings and reviews.

Here are our top 11 picks for the best Bird Feeders of 2023

1. Squirrel Buster Standard Wild Bird Feeder

Squirrel Buster Standard Wild Bird Feeder With 4 Metal Perches


Squirrel Buster from Brome is the best bird feeder that you can have. This feeder has an adjustable mechanism that will drop the perch if a heavier bird sits on it. And, you can adjust the spring to adjust the threshold weight for the perch to drop. In fact, the feeder has chew-proof components that a squirrel can reach to.

Apart from that, there are four perches allowing more than one small birds to share the perch while eating.

2. Droll Yankees Bird Tube Feeder

Droll Yankees Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder, Yankee Flipper, Tube Feeder


This is a spinning bird feeder and an entertaining medium for many. Actually, there is a unirail perch at the bottom of the feeder tube. It allows small birds to sit on it while eating. However, the electric motor attached to it will start spinning if a heavier bird or squirrel hops on it.

Hence, the food inside the feeder remains intact from invaders especially the squirrels. Additionally, the motor comes with one year warranty and rest of the feeder with a limited lifetime warranty.

3. Squirrel Solution200 Wild Bird Feeder with 6 Feeding Ports

Squirrel Solution200 Wild Bird Feeder


Here we have another product from Brome and it is a nyger kind of feeder. It comes with six different openings with perches alongside. It allows many small birds to accommodate on the feeder at the same time.

Apart from that, opening ports automatically shut off the supply of seeds if a squirrel hops on the feeder. Actually, the tension string closes the ports forcing the squirrel to return empty-handed.

4. GrayBunny GB-6860 Caged Tube Feeder

GrayBunny GB-6860 Caged Tube Feeder, Squirrel Proof Wild Bird Feeder


Gray bunny caged feeder, as the name suggests is an enclosure allowing small birds to enter and leave easily. There will be short gaps between the wires of the cage restricting bigger birds or squirrels.

It has a wired cage outside the feeding tube that lets the birds’ droppings fall down. It keeps the feeder clean. This is more of a cardinal feeder than the starling ones because of their notorious traits. Also, there are four feeding holes allowing the birds to eat the seeds in safe premise from bigger birds.

5. Audubon Natube3 Caged Tube Bird Feeder

Audubon Natube3 Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Caged Tube Type


This is another product similar to the one we saw in the previous spot. It is also a narrow cage allowing small birds to hop inside. There are four openings allowing the birds to get their food sitting on the perch alongside the feeding ports.

Additionally, refilling the tube of these bird feeders will not be a difficult task. Also, the larger birds or squirrels could not enter the cage. However, there was a slight backlash with this product compared to the one we saw above. Only for that reason, the Audubon receives the lower spot on our list.

6. Arundale The Sky Cafe for Bird Feeding

The Sky Cafe


This is a hanging similar to a pine cone bird feeder that not only keeps squirrels away but also seeds dry during monsoon. The structure of apparent feeder is similar to a conical hat. However, there is a huge seed bucket and also a periphery of perch at the end of the tray.

This design keeps the snow of moisture away and the seeds fresh. Apart from that, if you wonder ‘how to keep squirrels out of bird feeder?’ Then, this feeder have you covered. The steep conical top of the feeder will restrict the squirrels have any grip and hence slip off.

7. Bird Quest SBF2G Spiral Thistle Bird Feeder

Bird Quest SBF2G Spiral Thistle Bird Feeder


The apparent bird feeder would be a fun toy for the birds as well as humans. Because there is a spiral rail covering walls of the feeder. It will make it easy for little birds to fly and hop to various feeding ports. Instead, the tiny birds can easily go through the feeder sliding on the rails.

Apart from that, these bird feeders are made up of flimsy plastic which an aggressive squirrel can chew in a couple of days. Also, there are small feeding ports which will let some of the moisture reach the seeds during monsoon. Hence, it can be difficult to keep the seeds dry for the birds during monsoon or snowy weathers.

8. Birds Choice 12″ Classic Hanging Tube Feeder

bird feeder squirrel proof


Birds Choice is a simple tube type bird feeder along with four perches and feed openings. All of that four pairs of the openings are made of aluminum material and are chew-proof. This design will keep the squirrel from eating the seeds because of its inverted cone.

9. Coveside Panoramic In-house Window Bird Feeder with Mirrored Panel

Coveside Panoramic In-house Window Bird Feeder with Mirrored Panel


This is an epitome of bird watching while they feed on the seeds that you had provided. It is a one side facing mirrored screen and another side is simply a see through the screen. Hence, the birds will see themselves in the reflection while you on the other side of that screen can watch the birds.

It is an easy open, refill, and close mechanism to enjoy all the entertainment you need.

10. Gardener’s Supply Company Globe Cage Feeder for Birds

Gardener’s Supply Company Globe Cage Mixed Seed Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Gardener’s Supply has prepared a dome-shaped cage in which the feeder tube finds its place. Not to mention, this feeder is not big enough as the Oriole bird feeder but only for smaller birds. There are powder coated wires forming the cage outside the tube with four feeding ports.

11. GrayBunny GB-6856 Premium Steel

GrayBunny GB-6856 Premium Steel

Here is the final product on our list. It is a tube made of meshed wire and only suitable for the birds with long beaks. Moreover, the woodpeckers, jays, Orioles, etc. birds would find it easy to eat than sparrows, cardinals, etc.

On the contrary to birds, squirrels can also loiter around this feeder if you are not using a slinky on a bird feeder. However, the metal walls of the feeder will impossible to chew and the seeds/nuts would be too big to squeeze out. Hence, the squirrels keep away from this feeder.

Although you have seen the types of bird feeders above here are a few important tips for buying the feeder.

Types of Bird Feeders

Birds have to face lots of risks while eating. That may be from passing by squirrels, cat, or a bird of prey. Apart from that, the grains you put in the bird feeders are prone to dampening out of weather conditions. Also, the birds’ droppings may soil the feeder which is not desirable.

Moreover, there is a different type of bird feeders design that focuses on the safety of the birds from attackers, soiling of the feeder, and keeping the grains intact. Not to mention there about six types of bird feeders that people can use in their backyards or even apartments(window bird feeder).

Hence, go through the types of bird feeders to understand which one will match your bird feeder plans and the environment around your dwelling place.

Platform Bird Feeders

bird feeder hangers

Amongst all the bird feeder ideas, the apparent one is the cheapest concept for either if you choose to buy or build it yourself. The platform bird feeders will be a flat tray at the bottom. Additionally, the whole tray would be out on a bird feeder hangers or on the bird feeder pole.

The tray will be a spot where you can put the seeds for the birds to feed. In fact, the birds will use the tray for feeding as well as droppings. Also, there is a higher possibility for the seeds to get wet or soil due to monsoon/snowy weather and droppings respectively.

Seeds that you put on the tray can catch the moisture from the atmosphere as well dampen during monsoon. Hence, the platform bird feeders with proper drainage are advisable. Because the waterlogged tray can easily lead to growing sprouts out those seeds. And, the seeds can even develop fungal deposits on them if not drained instantly.

Apart from that, there is another big question of whether the birds will get to eat or the squirrels will have all the seeds. In fact, the platform bird feeders are the easiest spots for squirrels to get food from. Only if the tray was hung on a squirrel proof bird feeder pole the chipmunks will stay away. Otherwise, the quarrels between squirrels and birds is not a new thing.

Furthermore, getting platform bird feeders is eventual/inevitable if you live in a tropical or snowy area. Because the rains and snow-prone regions can often prove to be a hassle after the seeds get damp. Hence, getting a tray feeder with utmost holes for drainage is advisable. It will not only keep the seeds from dampening but also make cleaning and refilling seeds easier.

Hence, this type of feeder is the best squirrel proof bird feeder if you use squirrel restraining bird feeder poles.

Hopper/House Feeder

bird feeder stand

Hopper or the renown name i.e. house feeders are like feeder stands that has a shed. This type of bird feeders will keep the seeds from getting damp or even prevent from soiling due to droppings.

House bird feeder is very suitable for backyards, or even in the verandah. It can be as simple as being a wine bottle feeder or as reliable as the squirrel buster bird feeder. Basically, it will comprise of an upside down shell-like structure that will consist seeds for birds. Along with that, it will have a strong bird sitting perimeter that will not only be a feeding but also a resting place.

On the contrary, squirrels can even invade these type of bird feeders with utmost ease. It can again lead to quarrels between birds and squirrels. However, the best part about this feeder is that it could contain seeds for a couple of days to weeks. Make sure the feeder will not have any leakage that compromises the freshness of seeds.

Window Bird Feeder

perky pet bird feeder

Here we have the good deeds for birds as well as spectating the avian birds while they feed. Window bird feeders have always maintained popularity amongst bird lovers. Because it is the only type of feeder that allows them to watch the birds.

Actually, the window feeder will sit on the glass of the window or on the window frame. Additionally, the birds look better when you get the transparent feeder. Generally, the window feeders will have super glued butch or the vacuum cups that easily attached to the smooth window glass.

This would even include bird water feeder i.e. bird feeders consisting water. Additionally, there would be a less threat from the hunting birds or squirrels. However, the cats can still hunt the birds if the window is in the cat’s reach.

Apart from that, cleaning this feeder can be very essential because the birds feeding inside will soil the floor eventually. Also, the drainage option can be of much use here. Hence, you will have to put the seeds enough for the birds to finish within a day or two. And, clean the feeder right before you refill the feeder,

Tube Type Bird Feeders

Tube bird feeder will drive the squirrel and other heavy birds i.e. jays or grackles. This feeder will hold the seeds inside the tube i.e. its major structure. Also, there will be a waterproof design that keeps seed from damp situations.

In addition to that, the birds will have to eat from the holes on the tubes or meshed net in cases of metal ones. This mechanism requires the bird to either stand on the tube in upside down position. Otherwise to sit on the rotating rails below the tube.

Further, there will be a tension-string or a spring which closes the tube opening if a heavy bird sits on the rail. In fact, some tube feeders will have the rotating rails that not only closes the opening but also rotates if heavy birds try to eat. This always keeps the food available for smaller birds and drives squirrels or larger birds away.

Nyjer(Niger) Bird Feeders

spinning bird feeder

Nyjer bird feeders are perfect for feeding the small birds i.e. American Goldfinches, Redpolls, etc. Like we discussed the tube feeders, the Nyjer bird feeders are very much similar to the tube feeders. In fact, there are two types of Nyjer feeders i.e. tube type(for Nyjer), and for thistle feeders.

Nyjer feeders are specifically the meshed tubes or sock that will allow the small birds to eat from. Basically, the birds will cling upside down in order to bury their beaks inside the meshed walls. Then break out the seeds from inside and eating.

On the contrary, neither the bigger birds can cling on that meshed walls nor can the squirrels. Hence it will not only keep the seeds from wastage but also availing the seeds to small birds only. Moreover, people call it anti squirrel bird feeder for that reason.

Suet Feeder

squirrel buster bird feeder

A suet bird feeding vessel is similar to that of the tube and hopper combined. However, there will not be any opening into the suet bird feeder from sideways. Instead, there will be an opening from the bottom of the feeder.

Such a construction compels the bird to cling in an upside-down position in order to eat the seeds. Additionally, the bigger birds could even have the seeds from a suet feeder. However, the feeder will not be a squirrel proof bird feeder because the squirrels can also eat from a suet.

DIY Bird Feeder

Here, we are on our final topic i.e. DIY feeder for birds. It is a simple concept to build a feeder for birds that can easily dispense the seeds. You can either build the feeder from plastic, metal, wooden, etc. materials.

There are people who have even put a bird feeder camera into the feeder they had made. It means the feeder was big enough to accommodate even a GoPro camera. Additionally, people have also made the suet-like hummingbird feeder. Hence, the best way to get the birds to your backyard is to build the safest feeder. However, do not stress if the birds do not visit the DIY feeder. Because birds are slow observant(pun intended) to stop looking feeder as bird catcher!

Things to look for in the perfect Bird Feeder

Go through the bulleted points which you need to look at the products while buying a suitable feeding product.

  • Feeders shall have a weather-resistant seed storage. (seeds shall remain dry and fresh)
  • A storage capacity of the feeders. (More the better if a feeder is water resistant)
  • Seed refilling should be as simple as possible.
  • Look for bird water feeder along with feeder(seeds).
  • Getting a feeder pole is advisable if there are trees around your place.
  • Emphasize of squirrel baffles i.e. making bird feeder squirrel proof.

Bird Feeder is Squirrel Proof

Along with buying a feeder, you should also look for the ideas to make the squirrel bird feeder a legit feeder only for birds. Moreover, people wonder ‘How to make a bird feeder?’ especially ‘How to squirrel proof bird feeder?’

You can always go with the options i.e. squirrels baffles, inverted cones, slinky, dome cover, rotating bird feeder, etc. It will keep the squirrel from reaching the food meant for birds.

Sturdy Components

Here is the last factor you need to look for in the feeders i.e. sturdy components. Moreover, the plastic feeder has flooded the markets which are economical as well as useful. However, you shall look for metal coverings in the plastic feeding spot such that squirrels can’t chew open the feeder.

Additionally, if you think of ‘how to build a bird feeder?’ then you shall use such techniques too. Also, use weatherproof wood to make such a feeder.

The EndNote

Finally, we have reached the end of the review list which included the types of feeders. Also, various bird feeders available on the market along with a quick guide. Hence, now you would know which feeder is the best for you. Otherwise, in case of any query, feel free to ask us by commenting below. We will be glad to help you.

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